Commonwealth Split-site/Sandwich PhD Scholarships UK for Currently enrolled PhD Students in Pakistan 2021

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Commonwealth Split-site/Sandwich PhD Scholarships UK for Currently enrolled PhD Students in Pakistan 2021

Current Ph.D. students in Pakistan, Prepare yourself and apply for the upcoming split Ph.D. of 12 months period at UK universities for 2021.
You will have to apply directly on the CSC website. There is NO local nominating body such as HEC for it
Last year a lot of Pakistani PhDs availed of this scholarship
The scholarship application is not yet open 
But The deadline to apply for it will be in February, March 2021 
--- But the main work for its preparation is, developing an MoU or Institutional Link between your Institution in Pakistan with Institution in the UK given in the list which you can work on now.
The main requirement is:
""Your application must be made in the context of a departmental/institutional link with a UK university already in
operation or currently under negotiation. It is very important that your home country supervisor and your
proposed UK supervisor provide supporting statements that highlight current institutional collaboration.
Applications without both statements will be considered ineligible.""
So, now you have the time of almost two months to find a supervisor in UK universities given in the CSC list of universities and then prepare and making an institutional link between that UK university and your Pakistani university. Last year many Pakistani Ph.D. students could not apply due to this thing.
I am informing all the Ph.D. students in Pakistan earlier so that you can easily make your Ph.D. a split/sandwich one by spending 12 months in a UK university easily. Do see terms and conditions.
 IELTS is not required for it

I cannot find the documents from the previous calls as the Commonwealth website has been changed a lot. So, all old forms are now not visible. But the main requirement mentioned above of MoU is there as I copied. So for now please work on contacting UK professors for MoU/ collaborations etc.
Also, see this video. That can be helpful

Do see this post about Sandwich Ph.D.


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